Home Loan Australia

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Mortgage Refinance

A small reduction in your home loan interest rate can save you thousands in interest over the life of your loan. In addition if you consolidate your car loan, personal loan and credit cards into your home loan you may end up paying less each month and saving more.


We are leading provider of home loans to individuals in Australia. Our free mortgage refinance analysis will show you how much you can save by refinancing your home loan and other debt at a lower rate.


A mortgage refinance is the process of applying for a new home loan and using this new home loan to pay out your current home loan and any other high interest debts you may have. It allows you to consolidate all your debt into a single home loan, usually at a lower rate, giving you one debt, one interest rate and one monthly repayment. This means you pay less each month and save more.


The benefits of mortgage refinancing may include:


  • Consolidating your debt into one monthly repayment
  • Reducing the amount you repay each month
  • A lower interest rate and more favourable terms saving you thousands in interest
  • Paying off your home loan and debts faster

Fixed Rate Home Loans

Fixed Rate Home Loans are mortgage loans where the interest rate you pay is set for a pre-determined period.


Fixed rate terms are usually between a 1 year to 5 year period during which your interest rate will not rise or fall regardless of what happens to official interest rates set by the Reserve Bank.


The advantage of a fixed rate is your repayments and interest rate will remain unchanged over the period of time you agreed to fix your mortgage loan.


If you feel your income will not change significantly over the fixed period or if you like structured personal budgeting then this may be the option for you.


Loan Features

We offer a range of loan features which may include the following:

√  You can borrow up to $2 Million                      √   No ongoing fees
√  Split loans                                                              √  Investment property loans
√  Weekly, fortnightly or monthly repayments  Additional repayments
√  Make re-draws                                                     √ Interest-only repayments
√  100% offset account                                          √ Online loan access

Get in touch with Loan Apply today and we will help you complete your home loan journey!


    Why Choose Our Company

    Instant Australia loans for Aussie changing needs and purposes.

    No prepayment or hidden fees

    Easier repayment plans—weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

    Direct Funds & Quick Loan approvals

    Secured or unsecured loans with a bad credit history

    Lots of Financial Options

    Payments terms and nominal paperwork formalities

    Home Loan Cost Example